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This hair treatment set makes my fine and breakable locks a breeze to manage on summer holidays

Post sea and sun, tangled and damaged strands don’t need to be knotty nightmare

Emma Henderson
Tuesday 07 June 2022 15:05 BST
The newly formulated set features a shampoo and two mask repair treatments
The newly formulated set features a shampoo and two mask repair treatments (The Independent )

Summer holidays, at least in my book, mean plenty of sun and swimming, and unfortunately hair damage. My hair is super fine and breaks easily, so chlorine, salt water and sunshine makes it dry, a nightmare to brush and inevitably knotted and I end up unintentionally (and painfully) pulling out far too much.

My hair also has a real kink to it, that’s most noticeable underneath and at the back where it’s pretty wavy, while the front and top of my hair is far straighter. This slight wave means that when my hair is feeling dehydrated, it becomes frizzy and flyaway – something no one wants when it comes to their locks.

Now, I’ve finally been able to grow my hair to what I’d consider long (halfway down my back) – long fine hair means only one thing – it gets very tangled, breaks a lot and is a bit of a nightmare to properly care for.

For the past six weeks, I’ve been testing Amika’s the kure all strength and repair set to see if it can do what it says on the tin, and make my hair feel healthier, stronger and less breakable.

Amika the kure all strength and repair set: £45,


Born in Williamsburg, Amika started life as a hair tools brand, and since 2020 has branched out into haircare products. It aims to have a hair solution regime no matter what type of hair, texture or style you have, as a range that’s kind to your scalp, helps heat damaged hair, or defines luscious curls.

It ticks plenty of boxes: it doesn’t test on animals, there’s no chemicals or artificial ingredients, it gives one per cent of sales to charities, including HairToStay, a non-profit that helps patients during chemo, and it has some sustainability credentials, including planting a tree for every sale.

Yes, all its bottles are recyclable – which can usually go out with your kerb-side council bags – but what’s more impressive is it’s pledging to end the use of virgin plastic (this means it’s brand new plastic, being used for the first time). Instead, Amika is going to be swapping almost all of this (90 per cent) for recycled plastic. Yes, plastic can only be recycled a few times before it loses its properties, but it’s better than continually using new plastic.

When it comes to washing my hair, I usually try to do so just twice a week. But on holiday, that increases far more depending on how much I swim in the sea or a pool, whether I’ve got sunscreen in it, or if the humidity has got to it. My fine and fairly long hair hates being tangled, but it happens every time it gets wet, without doubt.

I also wear my hair tied up, practically every day, which doesn’t help the situation, although I’m well versed with using silk scrunchies and pillowcases to help prevent further damage. The easy answer would be to wear it down, but as anyone with fine and easily damaged hair knows, it takes more styling to avoid the frizz. I’m neither very adept at using style tools, nor (more importantly) enjoy doing it.

When I first opened the Amika set, I thought it was odd there wasn’t a conditioner (although there is one in the range to buy separately). Instead there’s three products; a shampoo and two mask treatments. I’ve used the intense bond repair mask more like a conditioner, as the texture of it feels more akin to a normal conditioning treatment, whereas the multi-task repair treatment is a much thinner consistency. Each of the three formulas have a faint floral scent, which is fresh with almost a slight hint of mint to it too.

The intense bond repair hair mask is my favourite product of the set
The intense bond repair hair mask is my favourite product of the set (Amika)

They’ve been newly formulated, and include sea buckthorn, which is full of omega 7 (that’s found in fish oil), rich in vitamin C and A. Its main USP is that it targets the hydrogen bonds in the hair and works to strengthen them, as these are most prone to breaking.

I also like that this is vegan, but is able to give keratin-like results too thanks to a plant based ingredient which is made from amino acids. Keratin is made from animal products and loved by salons and hair experts alike. Although this ingredient isn’t for everyone, it doesn’t mean people should have to miss out.

After using the set on holiday, I went from dehydrated and crispy salty hair, to super sleek locks that I could easily brush straight out of the shower, and my hair also felt super clean without feeling weighed down by a heavy product. I’ve used a tangle teezer as my everyday hairbrush for years, as I’ve found it’s a lifesaver for very fine hair post wash.

My favourite product of the set is the intense bond repair hair mask. Designed to be used as a weekly treatment, I’ve been using it almost each time I wash my hair and it’s changed the condition of my hair dramatically. Not only when brushing wet, but when it’s dry too. It’s a fairly thick and creamy formula, and should be left in for five-10 minutes, although if I’ve used it more frequently, I’ve not left it in as long, but still felt the results where my hair isn’t dry or dull.

The multi-task repair treatment should be left in for just one minute while in the shower, or it can be applied to damp hair and left in. If your hair is severely damaged, which acts like a real deep conditioner.

As a lazy hair person when it comes to styling, I leave my hair to dry naturally, as I don’t like using heat on it as it increases breakages. I’ve done the same after using this kit, and I’ve noticed my hair is sleek, but not lank as my fine hair can be after using thicker conditioners or masks, which are just too heavy for me. Instead my hair has more body and life, without being flyaway and is free of frizz.

Over the time I’ve been testing this set, my hair has felt more hydrated, in better condition, is easier to brush with less coming out, and has noticeably broken less. And for that, it’s certainly made the cut to stay on my bathroom shelf.

Buy now

The verdict: Amika the kure all set

Even after the holiday, I’m continuing to use Amika’s the kure set as I love how it leaves my hair: sleek with more body, and no frizz. It’s a dream treatment for anyone with fine, easily breakable hair, that can also be used frequently without worrying about it making it lank and lifeless. I used to battle everyday to brush my hair, and worry about the damage it caused after brushing it post washing too, so much so it made days of endless dry shampooing far more appealing to deal with.

At £45, the set is decent value for what it offers, considering that’s £15 each, which is a big saving, as if you bought them separately it would cost £55. Plus, you don’t need to use this combination every time you wash your hair. I often change up my hair washing routine so my hair doesn’t get too used to something and stop responding.

It might sound a lot for a shampoo, but when you find something that works and you’re not battling knots post washing, I’d much rather take the good hair day.

This Kiehl’s 3 minute hair mask is a gamechanger – here’s why

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